Dalit Steinbrecher

Hi there! my name is Dalit Steinbrecher, don’t feel bad if you can't pronounce my name, even in Isreal (where I was born) it's an uncommon name. I'm a product designer currently based in New York.... for more info/contact
I Wanna Dance
"I wanna dance" is a project inspired from an original cover produced by Shai Sivan and made by Ella Ronen to the Whitney Houston hit “I wanna dance dance with somebody”. The song is divided into 4 different tracks, each featuring a different musical instrument: organ, vocals, drums and guitar.

The project explores print as a music player. With the help of conductive ink, I created an abstract poster printed by hand on fabric and wood. I printed different shapes and words from the song lyrics in a 3d printer. Each and every shape represents a different track in the song: circle for drums, stairs for organ, pyramid for guitar and letters for vocals. The physical connection between the ink and the 3D shapes changes the volume of the different tracks, changing and mixing the final result that is played in real time.

I created 4 capacitive sensors that increase and decrease the volume. The capacitive sensors are also made of the conductive ink and are triggered when the user touches them with a finger. I made this project in order to explore conductive ink and to examine how it works on different materials (wood, fabric, PLA).

Coming from a graphic design background, I never accepted that "Print is dead". So, for me this project is the start of a wider research that I want to explore - perhaps it will be the revival of print?

About the process and more